Monday, November 28, 2011

Remedies for Stinky Feet and Shoes:

OK we all have that one person in the house who takes off their shoes and the rest of the family withers from the stench. Not to fear – here is some sound advice and natural remedies for getting rid of the smell.
You must first start with clean feet. Wash daily with soap and warm water and be sure to get in between your toes. You can always use a pumice stone or exfoliating scrub to get those feet sparkly clean.
Your feet must then be dried well. This includes in between toes. Don’t be lazy – bend over and dry off well.
Don’t wear the same shoes every day. You have to give your shoes a chance to dry out before wearing them again. This moist environment breeds bacteria and hence bad odors.

Try these all natural remedies:

·         White Vinegar: It is very helpful in treating your smelly feet as it disinfects the feet by deodorizing it. Take about 1/2 cup of white vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar and dilute in a warm water solution. Now place your feet in this solution for few minutes. Make sure that you properly check your feet before soaking it in the solution of white vinegar as it stings any abrasions or cuts present on the skin.
·         Lemons: These carry an acidic property which makes them antibacterial as well. In order to soak your feet in a lemon solution, dilute some drops of lemon or lemon essential oil in a water bath or bucket and soak your feet in the solution for few minutes. Take proper care of any cuts and abrasions present at it might cause burning sensation on your feet.
·         Tea Tree Oil: Just rub a few drops of tea tree oil on your foot and it will kill all the bacteria and funguses present on the foot. As it smells good so it will provide a soothing effect to your feet as well.
·         Baking Soda: Sprinkle in dry shoes and on feet daily to absorb moisture.
·         Dust feet with Corn Starch. This will help absorb the moisture.
·         Salt: Salt is a great bacterial fighter. Dissolve about 1/8 cup of salt into warm water and soak your feet for about ½ hour. Not only does this feel great but will help kill any bacteria.
·         Newspapers: Stuff your shoes with newspapers to dry them out and absorb odors.

Warm regards and love –