Friday, September 30, 2011

Ginkgo Biloba:

Ginkgo Biloba has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese Medicine and the tree itself is one of the oldest trees in existence.  It is one of the most widely purchased herbs in the US today. It’s best known for its memory boosting capabilities.  The list of uses is very long probably because it has been around for so long.
On a personal note our neighbors behind us has a huge Ginkgo tree that hung over our yard. What a beautiful tree it was. Just truly an awe inspiring site. In the spring it would bloom and seed – my husband would call the seeds "Satan’s Spawn" because these little fuzzy looking seeds went everywhere. We could not open our pool until this tree was done seeding. In any event the neighbor built an addition onto their house and had to cut down this magnificent tree and still today I am sad about it. My husband on the other hand really has no love loss for this tree.

Now to get back to the effectiveness of Ginkgo Biloba:
Ginkgo leaf extract has been used to treat a variety of ailments and conditions, including memory disorders, asthma, bronchitis, fatigue, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and even macular degeneration. Extracts are usually taken from the ginkgo leaf and are used to make tablets, capsules, or teas. Occasionally, ginkgo extracts are used in skin products. Taken raw Ginkgo can be toxic.

Of course this herb is not approved by the FDA and has had some successful studies that do indicate that taking Ginkgo is beneficial to your health but some adverse studies that show no benefit at all. The true believers in Ginkgo will swear by it benefits and take it daily.

To research more about Ginkgo Biloba, try this site.

Warm regards and love –

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Meditation can increase brain function, eliminate stress and create peace of mind. The main idea of meditation is to train the mind to go into a self-induced mode of conciousness to achieve some benefit.  That benefit can be of a spiritual nature, of just simply to de-stress.  You can practice meditation at home by yourself or join a group atmosphere but really it should cost no money and require no external material to practice.
Meditation has been used for hundreds of years by many different religions with many different techniques. Some who meditate use prayer beads as a tool in finding their consciousness or simply focusing on the breath coming in and out of the body as in Mindfulness Mediation and a way to connect spiritually to the universe.
In over 1,000 published research studies, various methods of meditation have been linked to changes in metabolism, blood pressure, brain activation, and other bodily processes. Meditation has been used in clinical settings as a method of stress and pain reduction. [1}

A simple ten or fifteen minute breathing meditation as explained below can help you to overcome your stress and find some inner peace and balance. This 10 minutes break can make your mind calmer and more focused.
Meditation can also help us to understand our own mind. We can learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of the transforming meditations. This is a profound spiritual practice you can enjoy throughout the day, not just while seated in meditation.

Here are a few great websites for some meditation information if you are interested in researching further.

Some of the most common features in meditation include:
·         Focused attention. Focusing your attention is generally one of the most important elements of meditation. Focusing your attention is what helps free your mind from the many distractions that cause stress and worry. You can Focus your attention on such things as a specific object, an Image, a mantra, or even your breathing.
·         Relaxed breathing. This technique involves deep, even-paced breathing using the diaphragm muscle to expand your lungs. The purpose is to slow your breathing, take in more oxygen, and reduce the use of shoulder, neck and upper chest muscles while breathing so that you breathe more efficiently.
·         A quiet setting. If you're a beginner, practicing meditation may be easier if you're in a quiet spot with few distractions — no television, radios or cell phones. As you get more skilled at meditation, you may be able to do it anywhere, especially in high-stress situations where you benefit the most from meditation, such as a traffic jam, a stressful work meeting or a long line at the grocery store.
·         A comfortable position. You can practice meditation whether you're sitting, lying down, walking or in other positions or activities. Just try to be comfortable so that you can get the most out of your meditation [2]

Warm regards and love –

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Work/Life Balance:

Anyone who works in a job that has some kind of thinking or decision making has been tempted to bring work home with them at some point.  This practice tends to create more stress in our lives. You need to find a happy balance between work and home life. Once you bring it home with you there is no difference between “work” and “home”. They become the same thing. We have to keep remembering that becoming a work-a-holic does not really improve our bottom line or productivity.  It only adds to the stresses of everyday life. When you bring that report home that needs to be done by Monday morning; that stress along with the stresses of married life, of being a parent and the never ending stress of being a home owner  does not make for a happy life in general. We need to remember the important things in life and that to me if family and keeping yourself as a priority.
Now you don’t want to go overboard with family either. The issue here is creating a balance and harmony in both places. One so that you enjoy coming home to talk around the dinner table with your family and the other being able and willing to get back up the next morning and go to work, find fulfillment,  and do it all again.
When we work all day every day with no time set aside for living life, you just get more overwhelmed. We lose sight of reality and get out of touch with our creativity.

At times like this we need to take a step back from our situation and review what has been going on and make changes from there.  For me it usually comes down to reprioritizing and awareness. Looking at work not as a problem or some place I don’t want to be but as a place that pays me well to solve problem and help people. This is a way for me to look at my job in a whole new light. I do have to keep reminding myself to be happy, smile, and it is OK. Everything is going to be OK and if it is not; make a change to fix it. Don’t wait do it now and you will see all the difference in the world.  Never bring your work home ( if you can possibly help it ) this will only create more stress. Work will still be there in the morning. This also goes the other way; don’t bring your honey-do list to work with you. It will be there when you get home.

I found the following list from a website called Stress Very good ideas. Love these!
What are three simple things we can do to achieve work-life balance?
Just remember A-C-E, "ace": Awareness. Choice. Energy.
This 3 step process is simple, does not cost any money, does not require you to trek off to a distant land, does not mean you must search for a guru, and doesn't take any more time out of your busy day. Its power lies in its simplicity.

A. Deepen your awareness through listening deeply and noticing two things: what throws you off balance, and what brings you calm and fulfillment. Many of my clients that I see at 4pm, can't remember what they ate for breakfast or lunch that day. If they don't look down at their clothes, many can't remember what they wore to work that day. AWARENESS. Being mindful, present in your life.

C. Exercise the power of choice. Choose to release what drains you and embrace what truly nourishes you. When you begin to make life giving choices in your life, you will be able to make many more decisions easily. Realizing your life is the consequences of your choices becomes very empowering.

E. You will reclaim the energy that is your natural birthright. You life will become a powerful dynamic concentric circle. The more aware you become the more you become aware of your choices. The more you realize that your life is created by your choices the more real energy and power you will experience in your life.

So in conclusion: Be aware of your triggers. Know when you are at the end of your rope, know when you are ready to scream, know when you have had enough and at that point take a step back and re-prioritize.

Warm regards and love –


Monday, September 19, 2011


Tomato, Basil, & Mozzarella Salad: ( Caprese Salad )

If you are like me, at this time of year you have an over abundance of garden fresh tomatoes to use up before they go bad. The taste of a homegrown tomato compares to nothing else. Just slice up a few and put on a sandwich with some mayonnaise and salt and pepper or use on your favorite burger.  Ok I could go on and on about fresh tomatoes but here is a great recipe that I use all the time and I hope you will enjoy. This is the quintessential simple summer salad that I like to make for get-togethers or on a hot summer night as a side with dinner.

You will need:
3-4 Large ripe tomatoes
Mozzarella cheese
Olive Oil ( about 2 tsp )
Salt & Pepper
Balsamic Vinegar ( optional )

Select 3 or 4 large ripe tomatoes from your garden ( or grocery store )
And cut in medium sized slices, Next slice the Mozzarella cheese the same way.
Pick a big bunch of basil leaves and use whole or julienne into strips.
Layer the tomatoes on a platter ( it is OK if they overlap one another ) then layer the mozzarella on top of the tomatoes. I like to place a whole basil leaf in between each tomato and mozzarella slice just sticking out so you can see it on the platter but you can put your basil on top at this point or spread in between layers.
Next drizzle olive oil over the entire salad and season with salt and pepper to taste. I also like to drizzle a little balsamic vinegar on my salad as well. It creates such a depth of flavor in this recipe that is outstanding.

Warm regards and love –

Friday, September 16, 2011

Collage bookmark: Eco-artware

Can you ever have enough bookmarks? Store several in baskets in your bookcases to pop into a book before reading it. When the supply runs low, you can always make some more.
Collage bookmarks are easy to make. Incidentally, a bookmark session is a wonderful activity for a multigenerational group.

  • scraps of paper -- for example, gift wrapping paper, aluminum foil, used paper doilies, cancelled stamps, paint samples from the hardware store, candy wrappers, and colored dots from the paper punch
  • poster board (or heavy water color paper from an art supply store)
  • Elmer's glue or a similar adhesive
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • hole punch
  • craft knife or paper cutter
  • sharp scissors
  • embroidery thread
The following supplies are optional. We used them to create a speckled texture on uncut paper before starting the collages
  • three different colors of acrylic paint (a metallic color is optional) and a separate mixing dish for each color (for example, a cleaned tuna fish can)
  • paintbrush (either bristle or foam, flat or pointed)
  • large grocery carton
  • newspaper
To prepare paper:
Place a carton on a table or floor which has been partly covered with newspaper. This is just used as a sort of table to put your poster board onto while you paint it and to help minimize the spatter of paint. You can simply do this project on a table covered with newspaper as well. Place poster board in the bottom of the open carton or on table. Thin your acrylic paint with water to the consistency of a raw egg white. Dip your brush into the paint but don't overload it. Holding the brush above the paper, flick your wrist so the paint spatters. When that is dry, add additional colors sparingly. Try to leave a great deal of white space between the drips. Allow the poster board to dry.
Poster board may curve during this process. Straighten it out by placing it under several heavy books for one-half hour or until straight before beginning the collage.
To make the bookmarks:
Once dry, turn the paper board right side down. Measure the size of your bookmarks (a good size is  2-1/2" x 7") and cut them out. Paint a border on the front of your bookmark before beginning the collage (optional -- you don't have to have a border). Cut or tear scrap paper into interesting shapes and move them around on the poster board pieces you just cut. When you find a pleasing design, paste it down. Punch a hole in the top of the bookmark. Take four pieces of embroidery thread cut into 9 inch lengths. Place them together so the ends line up and then fold them in half so the top ends meet the bottom ends. Place one inch of folded thread through the hole so that it comes up the back of the bookmark and pull the long tail of the thread remaining on the front through the loop. Then tie an overhand knot one inch below the cut ends of the thread.

Enjoy this fun craft!

Warm regards and love -


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All Natural Insect repellent:

Summer is not over yet!!!

It is relatively easy to make your own insect repellent at home. You don’t really need those chemical laden cans full of god only knows what to keep the bugs at bay. Even if you don’t want to make your own, there are a lot of all natural alternatives on the market today. For example Burts Bees and Kiss My Face are two name brands that come to mind. Here are a few ideas you can try.

1 cup of grain alcohol, ( vodka, or witch hazel )
30 drops of essential oils ( lavender, citronella, rosemary, rose geranium, lemon, tea tree oil, neem. ) Using one or two from this list will be fine.
Place all ingredients into spray bottle. Shake well. Spray liberally all over your skin just before going outside. Reapply as necessary.
Store your mixture in a dark bottle away from heat and sunlight.
1 Cup water
About 20-30 drops of Essential oils such as eucalyptus, rosewood, lavender, peppermint, tea tree, cedar, citrus or lemongrass
These can be diluted with water and placed in a container over night and used as a spray the following day.

Here is a list of oils that are found to have repellent properties.
  • Catnip Oil–mosquitoes
  • Cedarwood Oil–lice, moths
  • Cinnamon Oil–ants
  • Citronella Oil–mosquitoes
  • Clove Oil–mosquitoes
  • Eucalyptus Oil–mosquitoes
  • Geranium Oil–flies, mosquitoes
  • Lavender Oil–mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, fleas, flies
  • Lemongrass Oil–mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, fleas, flies
  • Litsea Cubeba–mosquitoes
  • Patchouli–gnats
  • Peppermint Oil–lice, spiders, ants
  • Rosemary Oil–fleas, ticks
  • Tea Tree Oil–mosquitoes, lice, ants
Although found in many lists of repellents, avoid pennyroyal because of its potential toxicity.
All essential oils are best used in dilution. Don’t apply them directly to the skin in full strength.
Be careful to avoid eyes. Do not use on pets.

Warm regards and love -

Monday, September 12, 2011

14 Household Uses for Beer

Ok this may sound like sacrilege to some, but you have to admit there are some pretty good ideas below. I can’t wait to try them out! ( an maybe have a sip or two of beer while I am fertilizing my lawn : )

Most of us don't usually think of beer as an earth-friendly alternative to improving our gardens and lawns or dealing with a host of pests. However, if you can bring yourself to part ways with your favorite brew, or at least invest in some of the cheap stuff, you'll be surprised by beer's many uses.

1. Trap slugs and snails: Place dishes or jars of beer around your garden, especially in the evening. In the morning, the slimy critters, which have been drawn by the beer's aroma/fermentation, will have drowned. The beer can be re-used until it evaporates for garden pest control.
2. Trap fruit flies: If you keep a compost pail in your kitchen, you will also likely have fruit flies. Just place a jar or can of beer on the kitchen counter. Cover the top with plastic wrap or paper, leaving a small opening for the flies to get into. The fruit flies won't be able to get back out.
3. Distract bees and wasps from your outdoor gathering: Beer placed in cups around the outskirts of your picnic or barbeque will attract bees and wasps. It's not a long-term wasp control tactic; it's more like placing difficult relatives at the furthest table.
4. Get rid of mice: If you don't have a cat, a small amount of beer placed in a pail will help take care of a mouse problem, especially if you prefer to capture mice in a humane fashion. Just put an inch or so of beer in the pail, place some type of ramp, such as a piece of wood for the mice to crawl up. The mice fall into the pail and then you can remove your inebriated mice to some place outside.
5. Cockroach trap: Put a piece of bread soaked in beer in a jar. Put Vaseline around the lip of the jar. Roaches are attracted, get in, and can't get out.

6. Fertilize your gardens: The sugars in beer are also enjoyed by your garden vegetables and flowers.
7. Fertilize your indoor plants: Yep, they like beer too. You don't want to over-do it with indoor plants since they are contained and not subject to the cleansing distribution of rain. Use flat beer, just a small amount at the base of the plant.
8. Get rid of brown spots in your lawn: The acids in beer kill off fungi and pests, and the fermented sugars feed the grass.
9. Stain removal: Instead of pulling out a chemical cleaner when you've dribbled tea or coffee on your clothing or rug, soak the stain in beer. Let the beer sit for awhile then dab with a clean cloth. Wash well with soap and water once the spot has soaked. Always spot-test the fabric first.
10. Spruce up wooden furniture: Rub flat beer gently onto furniture using a soft cloth. The beer will help restore some of the polish and color.
11. Clean gold jewelry: Similar to how you would use commercial gold-cleaning chemicals; just place your gold jewelry in a dish of beer. Let it soak, then remove, rinse, and gently polish with a dry cloth.
12. Polishing brass pots: Using a soft cloth, gently rub beer onto the pot. Let the pot sit for awhile, rinse, and dry with another soft cloth. The acids in beer work wonders on most metals.
13. Loosen rusty bolts: Using beer to loosen bolts is a bit "Macgiver-ish", but the acids in the beer may dissolve enough rust to allow you to get them loose.
14. Insulation: Lastly, for the truly adventurous and creative, if you use full, unopened cans of beer in construction of walls, the beer absorbs the cold and won't freeze in temperate climates (due to the alcohol content).

Article By Cris Carl
Published August 12, 2011
| Networx

Warm regards and love –

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Will Never Forget

09/11/2011 - 10 Years ago today.... We will never forget.

If I should die and leave you here a while,
be not like others sore undone,
who keep long vigil by the silent dust.
For my sake turn again to life and smile,
nerving thy heart and trembling hand
to do something to comfort other hearts than thine.
Complete these dear unfinished tasks of mine
and I perchance may therein comfort you.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tea Tree Essential Oil:

Tea Tree Essential Oils is another one of my all time favorite oils  - right up there with lavender. It is one of the only oils that can be used “neat” or directly on the skin.  I keep a bottle of this in the kitchen and bathroom for burns and abrasions. It is well known for its antibacterial properties.  I put a few drops into a hot foot bath after a long day with some Epsom salts and it is pure heaven.
Tea Tree is normally found in acne products as well as anti-fungal creams and powders.

Botanical Name: Melaleuca alternifolia
Plant Part: leaf/twig
Country Of Origin: Australia
Method Of Extraction: Steam Distillation

Fresh and antiseptic, rather pungent aroma, some might characterize it as medicinal. This is a must have essential oil. It is antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide, cicatrizant, expectorant, fungicide, insecticide and sudorific.  May cause irritation on sensitive skin..
Tea tree has extensive applications in medicine and veterinary medicine (Never use on cats or birds as it could be fatal to them). Its most important usage is to help the immune system fight off infectious diseases. Activates the white corpuscles to form a defense against invading organisms and helps to shorten the duration of illness. Indicated for influenza, cold sores, and gingivitis.
Alleviates urinary tract problems such as cystitis. Gives relief to genital and anal itching as well as general itching from chicken pox to rashes caused by insect bites. It will apparently reduce scarring when applied before treatment as the protective film will guard against very deep penetration of x-rays. Helps to ease otitis. Reduces pus in infected wounds. Clears blemishes caused by chicken pox and shingles. Useful with minor burns, sores, sunburn, ringworm, warts, tinea, herpes and athletes foot. Helpful with dry conditions of the scalp as well as dandruff.
Blends well with cinnamon, clove, cypress, eucalyptus, ginger, lavender, and thyme.

Warm regards and love -
Of course always consult a doctor before use and keep away from children. For topical use only –do not ingest. This is for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice and claims have not been certified by the FDA.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eco Friendly Magazine

Coco Eco Magazine is an eco-fashion and sustainable lifestyle magazine published internationally through the Coco Eco Magazine website. It was the world’s first online digital magazine that addresses the topics of sustainable fashion, beauty, life, design, and culture.
Founded in Los Angeles in 2008 by Anna Griffin, Coco Eco attracts a mainly US based audience however the publication is read in over 14 countries internationally. The magazine’s editorial stance is based around the principles of ecologically friendly fashion and sustainable alternatives to cosmetics, beauty, celebrity, culture and a range of other lifestyle aspects. The company’s slogan is “Good, Green Glam!”.

Pretty cool magazine! Go to their website and check it out if you have the time.

Warm regards and love –

Friday, September 2, 2011

Recipe of the week:

I have personally tried this recipe and it is delicious! You may think yuk - lettuce in my pasta salad but believe me you will not even notice. The flavors once mixed all together make for a great dish.
You can always make it low fat by using turkey bacon and low fat mayonnaise if you really want to.

BLT Pasta Salad

Recipe courtesy Food Network Magazine.
Prep Time:
20 min
Inactive Prep Time:
Cook Time:
22 min
4 servings
  • 12 ounces corkscrew-shaped pasta
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 12 ounces lean bacon
  • 3 medium ripe tomatoes, cut into chunks
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 4 tablespoons chopped chives or green scallions
  • 5 heads Bibb lettuce, quartered, or 5 cups chopped romaine hearts
Cook the pasta in a large pot of salted boiling water as the label directs. Drain and toss with the milk in a large bowl; set aside.
Meanwhile, cook the bacon in a large skillet over medium-high heat until crisp. Drain on paper towels. Discard all but 3 tablespoons drippings from the pan. Add the tomatoes, thyme and garlic to the pan and toss until warmed through; season with salt and pepper. Crumble the bacon into bite-size pieces; set aside 1/4 cup for garnish. Toss the remaining bacon and the tomato mixture with the pasta.
Mix the mayonnaise, sour Cream and 3 tablespoons chives with the pasta until evenly combined. Season with salt and pepper. Add the lettuce; toss again to coat. Garnish with the reserved bacon and the remaining 1 tablespoon chives. Serve at room temperature.
Per serving: Calories 960; Fat 56 g (Sat. 20 g; Mono. 30 g; Poly. 18 g); Cholesterol 125 mg; Sodium 2,114 mg; Carbohydrate 73 g; Fiber 5 g; Protein 44 g

Make it tonight for dinner or bring it to a pot luck or picnic with friends and family. Everyone will love this recipe.

Warm regards and love -