Friday, May 4, 2012

Sand Dollar Craft Project:

Using a dried sand dollar, a large stone or a piece of debris from your yard, you can make a wonderful plant marker for your garden!

  • Sand Dollar (Can be purchased at many craft stores; please don't take from the ocean, as they are living creatures.) or a Rock from your yard.
  • Acrylic Paint (Various colors. Buy one to match your plants.)
  • Yard Debris Stick (Or a paint stick from a DIY store.)
  • Paint Rag
  • Wood or Super Glue
  • Permanent marker
Step 1: Place the sand dollar under a running faucet.
Step 2: Spread some acrylic paint on the front of the sand dollar and then rinse.
Step 3: Repeat step two until the sand dollar has a hint of color.
Make sure to wear gloves or use a rag when you rinse the sand dollar. Do not use bare hands. The front surface of the sand dollar will rub several layers of skin off and cause a painful, raw area.
Step 4: Using a paint rag, take the littlest bit of paint and gently wipe onto surface of sand dollar in a desired design. If you don't like the design, just repeat step two and start over.
Step 5: Once you have the desired look, let the sand dollar dry completely.
Step 6: After the sand dollar is dry, use super glue or wood glue to attach the sand dollar to the yard debris stick. (It can be a stick from most any tree. )
Step 7: Let the glue dry completely.
Step 8: With a permanent marker, write the name of the plant you wish to have a plant marker for.
*If you use a paint stick from a DIY store, you can paint it with the same acrylic paint you used on your sand dollar or you can leave it the natural wood color.

Happy Planting!!!

Warm regards and love -