Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Natural Hair Conditioning Treatments:

If you swim or exercise regularly, the same damage you have noticed on your skin and even bathing suite is happening to your hair. Now that summer is over it is time to get your hair back in shape. Here is a few home treatments that can keep the damage down to a minimum. Use them once a month or when needed for extra shine and conditioning.

1 )  Cucumber Hair Conditioning Treatment

1 egg
1 egg shell full of olive oil ( if you have oily hair; omit olive oil and substitute lemon juice )
1/4 of a peeled cucumber

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and smooth evenly onto hair - leave on for about 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. This treatment can be used once a month if required.

2) Rosemary/ Lavender Hair Oil

1oz Rosemary essential oil
1/4oz Lavender essential oil

( enough for 6 months worth of treatments )
Mix oils together and store in a dark colored glass container and keep in a cool dark place.
Put one or two drops of oil mixture into palm of hand and work through hair ( mostly at scalp ). Brush hair well and style as normal. If you do not need extra oil in your hair in the morning do this routine at night.

Warm regards and love -
