Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy For The New Year!!

Wow; time sure does fly. It has been a few months since I posted any blogs. Life happens and sometimes gets away from me. Here is my tip for the new year and a way for us to try and be happier and grateful for what we DO have in our lives.

Happy New Year!

Say thanks

Gratitude is associated with greater happiness, so jot down something you're thankful for every day. Stressed?  I am thinking you wouldn't be stressed if it didn't matter to you.  Which means you can even choose to be grateful for those stress-inducers. Say you are caring for an aging parent: It's hard… but it's also a chance to strengthen your relationship. Go on a hunt for your silver lining! 
It is not about weather you will mess up or something will go wrong; it is inevitable. We all have this happen in our lives. It is a matter of how you pick yourself back up and move forward that is the important thing.  Being thankful is they key.

Here is a great article from CBS on the subject.

Warm regards and love,