Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Inspiration for me, is something that makes me think, makes me feel, or makes me want to create.

Whatever inspiration may be for you here is where I draw some of my inspiration from.

Nature: I love to take a walk in the evenings to get some fresh air and clear my head at the same time.  A 15 or 20 minute walk will do the trick for me on most nights. Going for a hike in nature is another way for me to always come back invigorated. Whether it is a strenuous mountain hike or a casual stroll through a forest path. This type of exercise is not only for the body; It is for family, it is for love, it is for energy, it is for the mind and the creative thoughts it invokes.  Taking a walk out in your back yard can sometime do the same thing.  Look at your surroundings and be amazed by what you see. Really see it and be in the moment.

Family: Just hanging out and talking to my family at the dinner table can be inspirational. My kids are very creative and imaginative and funny and that helps bring out some fantastic ideas in my own head. Sometimes they give me a totally different perspective on things.  My husband and I tend to be opposites but that lends itself to a very creative atmosphere. His ideas bounce off of mine and the thoughts flow and creative and inspirational energy flows from there.

Quotes and proverbs: I will admit that I get a “quote of the day” sent to my in box. These little bits of magical syntax seem to have a way of making me happy every single day I read them. It could be a simple Chinese proverb or a quote from a famous writer.  Whatever it is it gets my thoughts running and most of the time put a smile on my face and gives me hope.

Seeing others creative work: The work could be a poem, a painting, a picture, or just a new scent of homemade soap I saw at a craft fair.  These kinds of things give me a spark. They make me want to go out and create beautiful things. Sometimes I act on that impulse right away and sometimes I keep the idea floating around for a rainy day.  I look at Etsy, pinterest, magazines, and read books; these all give me some sort of inspiration. 

No matter where you get your inspiration from just keep it coming. Do not stop being creative or being inspired. It is what keeps us going and keeps us fresh and vital and feeling alive. 

Warm regards and love,