Monday, August 29, 2011

Age Spots, Liver Spots & Sun Spots -Oh my!

I discovered about a year and a half ago that I had some changes in coloring on my forehead. Well it turns out these spots are called age spots or in a nicer term; sun spots.  I was mortified and at first thought I was the only one who was noticing them until someone pointed them out to me. I immediately went into the bathroom and cut thick bangs so that you could not even see my forehead at all. It was my way of concealing what I did not like about my face.

The bangs did not last for long as I felt like a little kid with them and the spots seemed to fade a bit. Just recently however I had to cut them again. ( this time I went a little thinner on the bangs and they are more of a fringe.) My need for doing this again is that the spots seem to get darker in the summer time for some reason.
First things is first - What Causes Age Spots? The sun does. The term ‘age spots’, or lentigines, refers to the brownish spots that, over time appear on your face and body as a result of overexposure to the sun. As we age our skin is subjected to more and more sun damage. Our skin has what is called ‘melanin pigment’ which absorbs sunlight and helps naturally protect our skin from UV rays. However as we age, our skin's natural ability to fend off UV rays from the sun begins to deteriorate, and as a result, we see the development of age spots. [1]
Of course if you have any raised or abnormal looking spots on your face or body that changes shape or color please, please get them checked out by a dermatologist to make sure they are nothing serious.

This then lead me to do some research for an all natural way to lighten them or help make them go away all together. Don’t get me wrong I have no problem with going to the store and buying Olay Regenerist or some other chemical but I would rather explore the natural remedies first. Here are a few ideas I found.

1)      Try dabbing some buttermilk on your age spots. The lactic acid and other ingredients in the mil are extremely beneficial to the skin. Cosmetic companies have taken advantage of this natural beauty secret by putting milk into many skin cleansers and bath products.

2)      I know, I know this one sounds a bit crazy but believe me when I say garbanzo beans can help fade age spots. Take about a ¼ cup and smash them together. Spread on your face or wherever the spots may be and let dry. Rinse off and repeat this every night for at least a month. This is not the fastest way I would prefer to make them go away but it sounds promising.

3)      Dandelion is a wonderful diuretic and detox herb, but it is also highly effective for helping fade age spots. Break open a dandelion stem and rub the sap on the spots 2 x per day. This sticky remedy is also effective on warts.

4)      One of the all time best things to have in your cupboard is Apple cider vinegar.  It has many household and beauty uses but yes, it is also helpful in fighting age spots as well.  Combine two teaspoons apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon orange juice and dab onto spots.  Again it may not be the fasted cure but it does help.

Good luck with those spots!

Warm regards and love –
